WatchDog script for checking server running
# Service watchdog script |
# Put in crontab to automatially restart services (and optionally email you) if they die for some reason. |
# Note: You need to run this as root otherwise you won't be able to restart services. |
# Strict check for apache2 service every 5 minutes, pipe results to /dev/null |
# */5 * * * * sh /root/ apache2 "" > /dev/null |
# "Loose" check for mysqld every 5 minutes, second parameter is the name of the service |
# to restart, in case the application and service names differ. Also emails a report to |
# */5 * * * * sh /root/ mysqld mysql > /dev/null |
# apache2 - Debian/Ubuntu |
# httpd - RHEL/CentOS/Fedora |
# mysqld - RHEL/CentOS/Fedora |
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S` |
EXTRA_PGREP_PARAMS="-x" #Extra parameters to pgrep, for example -x is good to do exact matching |
MAIL_TO="$3" #Email to send restart notifications to |
#path to pgrep command, for example /usr/bin/pgrep |
#Check if we have have a second param |
RESTART="/sbin/service ${SERVICE_NAME} restart" #No second param |
RESTART="/sbin/service ${SERVICE_RESTARTNAME} restart" #Second param |
#if we get no pids, service is not running |
echo "$DATE : ${SERVICE_NAME} restarted - no email report configured." |
echo "$DATE : Performing restart of ${SERVICE_NAME}" | mail -s "Service failure: ${SERVICE_NAME}" ${MAIL_TO} |
echo "$DATE : Service ${SERVICE_NAME} is still working!" |
# copylefted from |
/bin/bash /root/ mysqld mysqld "$mailto" |
/bin/bash /root/ httpd httpd "$mailto" |
/bin/bash /root/ pound pound "$mailto" |
/bin/bash /root/ redis-server redis "$mailto" |
/bin/bash /root/ memcached memcached "$mailto" |
/bin/bash /root/ searchd searchd "$mailto"
Article Number: 344
Posted: Tue, Jul 31, 2018 9:37 AM
Last Updated: Tue, Jul 31, 2018 9:37 AM
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