LUKS List available methods of encryption for LUKS

$ cryptsetup benchmark
# Tests are approximate using memory only (no storage IO).
PBKDF2-sha1       292752 iterations per second
PBKDF2-sha256     221362 iterations per second
PBKDF2-sha512     142010 iterations per second
PBKDF2-ripemd160  277124 iterations per second
PBKDF2-whirlpool  155727 iterations per second
#  Algorithm | Key |  Encryption |  Decryption
     aes-cbc   128b   164.7 MiB/s   164.5 MiB/s
 serpent-cbc   128b   119.5 MiB/s   205.0 MiB/s
 twofish-cbc   128b   163.5 MiB/s   208.6 MiB/s
     aes-cbc   256b   148.4 MiB/s   147.9 MiB/s
 serpent-cbc   256b   128.1 MiB/s   205.3 MiB/s
 twofish-cbc   256b   202.3 MiB/s   213.1 MiB/s
     aes-xts   256b   165.4 MiB/s   145.3 MiB/s
 serpent-xts   256b   150.0 MiB/s   194.5 MiB/s
 twofish-xts   256b   206.4 MiB/s   206.9 MiB/s
     aes-xts   512b   149.4 MiB/s   147.5 MiB/s
 serpent-xts   512b   181.7 MiB/s   195.0 MiB/s
 twofish-xts   512b   207.1 MiB/s   208.6 MiB/s

$ cryptsetup --help|tail -n 8
Default compiled-in key and passphrase parameters:
    Maximum keyfile size: 8192kB, Maximum interactive passphrase length 512 (characters)
Default PBKDF2 iteration time for LUKS: 1000 (ms)

Default compiled-in device cipher parameters:
    loop-AES: aes, Key 256 bits
    plain: aes-cbc-essiv:sha256, Key: 256 bits, Password hashing: ripemd160
    LUKS1: aes-xts-plain64, Key: 256 bits, LUKS header hashing: sha1, RNG: /dev/urandom

--key-size, -s <bits>
          Sets  key  size in bits. The argument has to be a multiple of 8.
          The possible key-sizes are limited by the cipher and mode used.

          See /proc/crypto for more information.  Note  that  key-size  in
          /proc/crypto is stated in bytes.
cryptsetup status /dev/mapper/sda5_crypt

Your output will be similar to this:

 type: LUKS1
cipher:  aes-xts-plain64
keysize: 512 bits
device:  /dev/sda5
offset:  4096 sectors
size:    19972096 sectors
mode:    read/write
0 (0)
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