RHCS6: Install a two-node basic cluster

RHCS: Install a two-node basic cluster

# Tested on RHEL 6

# Red Hat Cluster is quite complex as to explain every and all functionalities in a simple
# recipe like this. There are many considerations that should be taken into account as
# network interfaces to use, fence type (depending on hw), etc. I won't spend much time to
# explain all these options and functionalities. There are lots of documentation about the
# subject. Do not hesitate to go and search on Red Hat official documentation or any other
# web site in order to configure more complex clusters

# Main components of the Red Hat Cluster
# rgmanager: handles management of user-defined cluster services (resource groups) upon
#            user request or in the event of failures.
# ricci: cluster management and configuration daemon. It dispatches incoming messages to
#        underlying management modules.
# ccs: allows an administrator to create, modify and view a cluster configuration file.
#      Using ccs an administrator can also start and stop the cluster services on one or
#      all of the nodes in a configured cluster.
# cman: kernel-based cluster manager. It handles membership, messaging, quorum, event
#       notification and transitions.

# Let's name my servers "nodeA" and "nodeB".

# Note: "ccs" commands are run only on one cluster node (I"ll execute them on "nodeA").
#        All the rest must be executed on each node forming the cluster

# As recommended by Red Hat, in order to power off immediately server via the fencing
# device, instead of doing a clean shutdown, 'acpi' should be disabled on all nodes

service acpid stop
chkconfig --del acpid

# Also, we must ensure that all nodes in the cluster have exactly the same time. Apart
# from basic ntp options, I like to add following configuration:

echo "UTC=true" >> /etc/sysconfig/clock
sed -i.bak 's/OPTIONS="/OPTIONS="-x /' /etc/sysconfig/ntpd
sed -i.bak 's/SYNC_HWCLOCK=no/SYNC_HWCLOCK=yes/' /etc/sysconfig/ntpdate

# We have to know that the use of NetworkManager is not compatible with cluster
# operations, so better disable or remove it, and that when using bonding devices
# for intra-cluster connections, only active-backup mode is supported.

# Apart from that, we have to take into account that the following ports must be opened
# on the private network:
#    5404/UDP, 5405/UDP: cman
#    11111/TCP: ricci
#    21064/TCP: dlm (Distributed Lock Manager)
#    16861/tcp: modclusterd
# For practical reasons, I will fully disable systems' firewall as well as SELinux,
# even if the use of SELinux in 'enforcing' mode is fully supported when using the
# 'targeted' policy (These actions should never be performed on servers that will
# be exposed to the outside world):

chkconfig iptables off
service iptables stop

sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g" /etc/selinux/config

shutdown -r now

# First of all we install the needed packages for the cluster layer (depending on
# cluster type):

yum install ricci cman rgmanager ccs

# Then we start the ricci daemon, necessary in each cluster node for the cluster to be able
# to propagate updated cluster configuration. This synchronization can be done via the
# "cman_tool version -r", the "ccs" command or the "luci" user interface server

service ricci start

# Let's set a password for "ricci" user

echo "ricci:myriccipasswd" | chpasswd  # or # echo "myriccipasswd" | passwd --stdin ricci

# Create a basic cluster configuration. We have to provide a cluster name, a multicast IP
# and the number of expected votes. Usually the number of expected votes would match the
# number of nodes forming the cluster (+1 if quorum disk added); nevertheless for a two-node
# cluster we"ll set "expected_votes" to "1" as we want the cluster to keep on running
# in the eventuality of a node's failure.
# Note: Private network must support multicast and IGMP; if network equipment do not
# support multicast and IGMP we can use UDP unicast communications by adding following
# directive:
#      <cman transport="udpu"/>

ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf --createcluster mycluster
ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf --setmulticast
ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf --setcman expected_votes="1" two_node="1"

# At any moment, we can check the configuration made so far by running following command
# (configuration is stored in /etc/cluster/cluster.conf):

ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf --getconf

#  I add my nodes to the cluster

ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf --addnode nodeA --nodeid 1 --votes 1
ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf --addnode nodeB --nodeid 2 --votes 1

# We spread the configuration to the rest of nodes forming the cluster.
# Do not forget to add the IPs used for cluster communications to /etc/hosts

ccs -h nodeA -p myriccipasswd --sync --activate

# and start "cman" deamon, needed for the cluster to run. cman is a distributed cluster
# manager and runs in each cluster node; cluster management is distributed across all
# nodes in the cluster. It keeps track of membership by monitoring messages from other
# cluster nodes.

service cman start

chkconfig cman on
chkconfig ricci on

# Voilà! We have installed our basic cluster

ccs -h nodeA -p myriccipasswd --getconf

   <cluster config_version="1" name="mycluster">
         <clusternode name="nodeA" nodeid="1" votes="1"/>
         <clusternode name="nodeB" nodeid="2" votes="1"/>
      <cman expected_votes="1" two_node="1">
         <multicast addr=""/>

# To run a basic check of our new cluster we can use following commands:

   Cluster Status for mycluster @ Wed Jul 30 15:22:40 2014
   Member Status: Quorate

    Member Name                                                     ID   Status
    ------ ----                                                     ---- ------
    nodeA                                                              1 Online, Local
    nodeB                                                              2 Online

cman_tool status
   Version: 6.2.0
   Config Version: 1
   Cluster Name: mycluster
   Cluster Id: 65461
   Cluster Member: Yes
   Cluster Generation: 68
   Membership state: Cluster-Member
   Nodes: 2
   Expected votes: 1
   Total votes: 2
   Node votes: 1
   Quorum: 1
   Active subsystems: 8
   Flags: 2node
   Ports Bound: 0
   Node name: nodeA
   Node ID: 1
   Multicast addresses:
   Node addresses:

# Cluster logs can be found in /var/log/messages and under /var/log/cluster

root@nodeA:/root#> ll /var/log/cluster
total 20
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  531 Jul 30 12:19 dlm_controld.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  423 Jul 30 12:19 fenced.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  531 Jul 30 12:19 gfs_controld.log

# For the higher level of logging, we can add <rm log_level="7"/> directive to our cluster configuration
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