rabbitmq Troubleshooting TLS-enabled Connections

Troubleshooting TLS-enabled Connections


This guide covers a methodology and some tooling that can help diagnose TLS connectivity issues and errors (TLS alerts). It accompanies the main guide on TLS in RabbitMQ. The strategy is to test the required components with an alternative TLS implementation in the process of elimination to identify the problematic end (client or server).

Bear in mind that this process is not guaranteed to identify the problem if the interaction between two specific components is responsible for the problem.

The steps recommended in this guide are:

When testing with a RabbitMQ node and/or a real RabbitMQ client it is important to inspect logs for both server and client.

Check Effective Node Configuration

Setting up a RabbitMQ node with TLS involves modifying configuration. Before performing any other TLS troubleshooting steps it is important to verify config file location and effective configuration (whether the node has loaded it successfully). See Configuration guide for details.

Check TLS Listeners (Ports)

This step checks that the broker is listening on the expected port(s), such as 5671 for AMQP 0-9-1 and 1.0, 8883 for MQTT, and so on.

To verify that TLS has been enabled on the node, use rabbitmq-diagnostics listeners or the listeners section in rabbitmqctl status.

The listeners sections will look something like this:

Interface: [::], port: 25672, protocol: clustering, purpose: inter-node and CLI tool communication
Interface: [::], port: 5672, protocol: amqp, purpose: AMQP 0-9-1 and AMQP 1.0
Interface: [::], port: 5671, protocol: amqp/ssl, purpose: AMQP 0-9-1 and AMQP 1.0 over TLS
Interface: [::], port: 15672, protocol: http, purpose: HTTP API
Interface: [::], port: 15671, protocol: https, purpose: HTTP API over TLS (HTTPS)
Interface: [::], port: 1883, protocol: mqtt, purpose: MQTT

In the above example, there are 6 TCP listeners on the node. Two of them accept TLS-enabled connections:

  • Inter-node and CLI tool communication on port 25672
  • AMQP 0-9-1 (and 1.0, if enabled) listener for non-TLS connections on port 5672
  • AMQP 0-9-1 (and 1.0, if enabled) listener for TLS-enabled connections on port 5671
  • HTTP API listeners on ports 15672 (HTTP) and 15671 (HTTPS)
  • MQTT listener for non-TLS connections 1883

With rabbitmqctl status it will look like so:

% ...
% ...

If the above steps are not an option, inspecting node's log file can be a viable alternative. It should contain an entry about a TLS listener being enabled, looking like this:

2018-09-02 14:24:58.611 [info] <0.664.0> started TCP listener on [::]:5672
2018-09-02 14:24:58.614 [info] <0.680.0> started SSL listener on [::]:5671

If the node is configured to use TLS but a message similar to the above is not logged, it is possible that the configuration file was placed at an incorrect location and was not read by the broker or the node was not restarted after config file changes. See the configuration page for details on config file verification.

Tools such as lsof and netstat can be used to verify what ports a node is listening on, as covered in the Troubleshooting Networking guide.

Check Certificate, Private Key and CA Bundle File Permissions

RabbitMQ must be able to read its configured CA certificate bundle, server certificate and private key. The files must exist and have the appropriate permissions. Incorrect permissions (e.g. files being owned by root or another superuser account that installed them) is a very common issue with TLS setups.

On Linux, BSD and MacOS directory permissions can also affect node's ability to read the files.

When certificate or private key files are not readable or do not exist, the node will fail to accept TLS-enabled connections or TLS connections will just hang (the behavior differs between Erlang/OTP versions).

When new style configuration format is used to configure certificate and private key paths, the node will check if the files exist on boot and refuse to start if that's not the case.

Check TLS Support in Erlang

Another key requirement for establishing TLS connections to the broker is TLS support in the broker. Confirm that the Erlang VM has support for TLS by running

rabbitmq-diagnostics --silent tls_versions

Or, on Windows

rabbitmq-diagnostics.bat --silent tls_versions

The output will look like this:


With versions that do not provide rabbitmq-diagnostics tls_versions, use

rabbitmqctl eval 'ssl:versions().'

Or, on Windows

rabbitmqctl.bat eval 'ssl:versions().'

The output in this case will look like so:


If an error is reported instead, confirm that the Erlang/OTP installation includes TLS support.

It is also possible to list cipher suites available on a node:

rabbitmq-diagnostics cipher_suites --openssl-format --silent

Or, on Windows:

rabbitmq-diagnostics.bat cipher_suites --openssl-format --silent

It is also possible to inspect what TLS versions are supported by the local Erlang runtime. To do so, run erl (or werl.exe on Windows) on the command line to open an Erlang shell and enter

%% the trailing dot is significant!

Note that this will report supported versions on the local node (for the runtime found in PATH), which may be different from that used by RabbitMQ node(s) inspected.

Use OpenSSL Tools to Test TLS Connections

OpenSSL s_client and s_server are commonly used command line tools that can be used to test TLS connections and certificate/key pairs. They help narrow problems down by testing against alternative TLS client and server implementations. For example, if a certain TLS client works successfully with s_server but not a RabbitMQ node, the root cause is likely on the server end. Likewise if an s_client client can successfully connect to a RabbitMQ node but a different client cannot, it's the client setup that should be inspected closely first.

The example below seeks to confirm that the certificates and keys can be used to establish a TLS connection by connecting an s_client client to an s_server server in two separate shells (terminal windows).

The example will assume you have the following certificate and key files (these filenames are used by tls-gen):

Item Location
CA certificate (public key) ca_certificate.pem
Server certificate (public key) server_certificate.pem
Server private key server_key.pem
Client certificate (public key) client_certificate.pem
Client private key client_key.pem

In one terminal window or tab execute the following command:

openssl s_server -accept 8443 \
  -cert server_certificate.pem -key server_key.pem -CAfile ca_certificate.pem

It will start an OpenSSL s_server that uses the provided CA certificate bundler, server certificate and private key. It will be used to sanity check the certificates with test TLS connections against this example server.

In another terminal window, run the following command, substituting CN_NAME with the expected hostname or CN name from the certificate:

openssl s_client -connect localhost:8443 \
  -cert client_certificate.pem -key client_key.pem -CAfile ca_certificate.pem \
  -verify 8 -verify_hostname CN_NAME

It will open a new TLS connection to the example TLS server started above. You may leave off the -verify_hostname argument but OpenSSL will no longer perform that verification.

If the certificates and keys have been correctly created, a TLS connection output will appear in both tabs. There is now a connection between the example client and the example server, similar to telnet.

If the trust chain could be established, the second terminal will display a verification confirmation with the code of 0:

Verify return code: 0 (ok)

Just like with command line tools, a non-zero code communicates an error of some kind.

If an error is reported, confirm that the certificates and keys were generated correctly and that a matching certificate/private key pair is used. In addition, certificates can have their usage scenarios restricted at generation time. This means a certificate meant to be used by clients to authenticate themselves will be rejected by a server, such as a RabbitMQ node.

For environments where self-signed certificates are appropriate, we recommend using tls-gen for generation.

Validate Available Cipher Suites

RabbitMQ nodes and clients can be limited in what cipher suites they are allowed to use during TLS handshake. It is important to make sure that the two sides have some cipher suites in common or otherwise the handshake will fail.

Certificate's key usage properties can also limit what cipher suites can be used.

See Configuring Cipher Suites and Public Key Usage Extensions in the main TLS guide to learn more.

openssl ciphers -v

will display all cipher suites supported by the local build of OpenSSL.

Attempt TLS Connection to a RabbitMQ Node

Once a RabbitMQ node was configured to listen on a TLS port, the OpenSSL s_client can be used to test TLS connection establishment, this time against the node. This check establishes whether the broker is likely to be configured correctly, without needing to configure a RabbitMQ client. The tool can also be useful to compare the behaviour of different clients. The example assumes a node running on localhost on default TLS port for AMQP 0-9-1 and AMQP 1.0, 5671:

openssl s_client -connect localhost:5671 -cert client_certificate.pem -key client_key.pem -CAfile ca_certificate.pem

The output should appear similar to the case where port 8443 was used. The node log file should contain a new entry when the connection is established:

2018-09-27 15:46:20 [info] <0.1082.0> accepting AMQP connection <0.1082.0> ( ->
2018-09-27 15:46:20 [info] <0.1082.0> connection <0.1082.0> ( -> user 'user' authenticated and granted access to vhost 'virtual_host'

The node will expect clients to perform protocol handshake (AMQP 0-9-1, AMQP 1.0 and so on). If that doesn't happen within a short time window (10 seconds by default for most protocols), the node will close the connection.

Validate Client Connections with Stunnel

stunnel is a tool that can be used to validate TLS-enabled clients. In this configuration clients will make a secure connection to stunnel, which will pass the decrypted data through to a "regular" port of the broker (say, 5672 for AMQP 0-9-1 and AMQP 1.0). This provides some confidence that the client TLS configuration is correct independently of the broker TLS configuration.

stunnel is a specialised proxy. In this example it will run in daemon mode on the same host as the broker. In the discussion that follows it is assumed that stunnel will only be used temporarily. It is also possible to use stunnel to perform TLS termination but that is out of scope for this guide.

In this example stunnel will connect to the unencrypted port of the broker (5672) and accept TLS connections from TLS-capable clients on port 5679:

cat client_key.pem client_certificate.pem > client/key-cert.pem
stunnel -r localhost:5672 -d 5679 -f -p client/key-cert.pem -D 7

stunnel requires a certificate and its corresponding private key. The certificate and private key files must be concatenated as shown above with the cat command. stunnel requires that the key not be password-protected. TLS-capable clients should now be able to connect to port 5679 and any TLS errors will appear on the console where stunnel was started.

Validate RabbitMQ Client Connection to RabbitMQ Node

Assuming none of the previous steps produced errors then you can confidently connect the tested TLS-enabled client to the TLS-enabled port of the broker, making sure to stop any running OpenSSL s_server or stunnel instances first.

Certificate Chains and Verification Depth

When using a client certificate signed by an intermediate CA, it may be necessary to configure RabbitMQ server to use a higher verification depth.

Insufficient verification depth will result in TLS peer verification failures.

Understanding TLS Connection Log Errors

New broker logfile entries will be generated during many of the preceding steps. These entries together with diagnostic output from commands on the console should help to identify the cause of TLS-related errors. What follows is a list of the most common error entries:

Logged Errors Explanation
Entries containing {undef, [{crypto,hash,... The crypto module is missing in the Erlang/OTP installation used or it is out of date. On Debian, Ubuntu, and other Debian-derived distributions it usually means that the [erlang-ssl](http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=erlang-ssl) package was not installed.
Entries containing {ssl_upgrade_error, ekeyfile} or {ssl_upgrade_error, ecertfile} This means the broker keyfile or certificate file is invalid. Confirm that the keyfile matches the certificate and that both are in PEM format. PEM format is a printable encoding with recognisable delimiters. The certificate will start and end with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- respectively. The keyfile will likewise start and end with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- respectively.
Entries containing {ssl_upgrade_failure, ... certify ...} This error is related to client verification. The client is presenting an invalid certificate or no certificate. If the ssl_options has the verify option set to verify_peer then try using the value verify_none temporarily. Ensure that the client certificate has been generated correctly, and that the client is presenting the correct certificate.
Entries containing {ssl_upgrade_error, ...} This is a generic error that could have many causes. Make sure you are using the recommended version of Erlang.
Entries containing {tls_alert,"bad record mac"} The server has tried verifying integrity of a piece of data it received and the check failed. This can be due to problematic network equipment, unintentional socket sharing in the client (e.g. due to the use of fork(2)) or a bug in the client implementation of TLS.

Getting Help and Providing Feedback

If you have questions about the contents of this guide or any other topic related to RabbitMQ, don't hesitate to ask them on the RabbitMQ mailing list.

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