Create a mksysb + SPOT using NIM (CLI)

Create a mksysb + SPOT using NIM (CLI)

Here I will describe how to create a mksysb image of a NIM client from the NIM server using the cli and afterwards we will create a SPOT from the newly created mksysb.

So firt we define the new mksysb:

# nim -o define -t mksysb -a server=master -a location=/export2/mksysb/ -a mk_image=yes -a source=power2 P2_1202_TL7_mk

                System Backup Image Space Information
              (Sizes are displayed in 1024-byte blocks.)

Required = 3774349 (3686 MB)    Available = 5288840 (5165 MB)

Creating information file (/ for rootvg..

Creating list of files to back up
Backing up 68372 files..............................
55742 of 68372 files backed up (81%)................

68372 of 68372 files backed up (100%)
0512-038 savevg: Backup Completed Successfully.

-o Operation
-t Type
-a Atributes


Using lsnim we can verify the new mksysb image

# lsnim -l P2_1202_TL7_mk
   class          = resources
   type           = mksysb
   arch           = power
   Rstate         = ready for use
   prev_state     = unavailable for use
   location       = /export2/
   version        = 6
   release        = 1
   mod            = 7
   oslevel_r      = 6100-07
   alloc_count    = 0
   server         = master
   extracted_spot = SPOT_6100_07
   creation_date  = Tue Feb 21 17:06:19 2012
   source_image   = power2

After the mksysb image is created we can use it to extract a SPOT from it.

# nim -o define -t spot -a source=P2_1202_TL7_mk -a server=master -a location=/export2/SPOT_6100_07/ SPOT_6100_07

 Creating SPOT in "/export2/SPOT_6100_07/" on machine "master" from "P2_1202_TL7_mk" ...

 Restoring files from BOS image.  This may take several minutes ...

 Checking filesets and network boot images for SPOT "SPOT_6100_07".
 This may take several minutes ...

Finally check the SPOT using lsnim

# lsnim -l SPOT_6100_07
   class         = resources
   type          = spot
   plat_defined  = chrp
   arch          = power
   Rstate        = ready for use
   prev_state    = verification is being performed
   location      = /export2/SPOT_6100_07/SPOT_6100_07/usr
   version       = 6
   release       = 1
   mod           = 7
   oslevel_r     = 6100-07
   alloc_count   = 0
   server        = master
   if_supported  = chrp.64 ent
   Rstate_result = success
   mksysb_source = P2_1202_TL7_mk
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