SNAP: It gathers system configuration information and compresses the information to a pax file.
This file can be downloaded later to a tape or a cd or can be sent to a remote system. This SNAP information is later used by IBM to resolve real time problems.
Only root user is allowed to run this command.
8 MB approx. Temp space is needed for SNAP information.
/tmp/ibmsupt is a default directory for SNAP output.
To write SNAP output to a different directory, use –d flag.
Each execution appends information to previously created file.
Use –r flag to remove the previous information.
Various SNAP commands are:
# snap –g
This command gathers ODM, error report, trace file, user environment, paging space, amount of physical memory, security user information and device information.
# snap –a
This command gathers all system information.
# snap –c
Creates a compressed pax image.
# snap –D
It gathers dump and /unix information.
# snap –e
This command gathers HACMP specific information from all nodes.
# snap –r
Removes the previous information.
# snap –ac –d <full path of the destination directory>
This command will gather all the system information, compress the pax image and finally saves the pax image in the specified directory.
# snap –r –d < full path of the destination directory >
This command will clear / remove all the collected snap data.
Hope you enjoyed this post.
Happy Learning!