AIX lsdevinfo

The lsdevinfo utility appears to an undocumented command. However it looks like it could come in handy occasionally. Here are some examples of using it on AIX 7.1:


# oslevel -s



# lslpp -w /usr/sbin/lsdevinfo

  File                                        Fileset               Type


  /usr/sbin/lsdevinfo                         bos.rte.methods       File


# lsdevinfo -h



lsdevinfo [-q Criteria] [-F Format] [-R] [-c] [-h]


# lsdevinfo | more


        name = "sys0"

        status = "1"

        chgstatus = "1"

        ddins = "planar_pal_chrp"

        aixloc = ""

        uniquetype = "sys/node/chrp"

        class = "sys"

        subclass = "node"

        type = "chrp"

        prefix = "sys"

        devid = "chrp"

        base = "1"

        hasvpd = "0"

        detectable = "0"

        busext = "0"

        fru = "1"

        led = "2065"

        catalog = ""

        setno = "1"

        msgno = "1"

        driver = "planar_pal_chrp"

        define = "/usr/lib/methods/define_rspc -n"

        configure = "/usr/lib/methods/cfgsys_chrp"

        change = "/usr/lib/methods/chggen"

        unconfigure = "/usr/lib/methods/ucfgdevice"

        undefine = "/usr/lib/methods/undefine"

        start = ""

        stop = ""

        inventory = "0"

        syscons = "/dev/vty0"

        sysconsp = ""

        modelcode = "0x0800004c"

        keylock = "normal"

        maxbuf = "20"

        maxmbuf = "0"

        maxuproc = "128"

        autorestart = "true"

        iostat = "false"

        realmem = "6291456"

        conslogin = "enable"

        fwversion = "IBM,AM710_058"

        maxpout = "8193"

        minpout = "4096"

        fullcore = "false"

        pre430core = "false"

        ncargs = "256"

        pre520tune = "disable"

        max_logname = "9"

        platform_desc = "chrp"

        rtasversion = "1"

        modelname = "IBM,9179-MHB"




# lsdevinfo | grep -p hdisk0


        name = "hdisk0"

        status = "1"

        chgstatus = "2"

        ddins = "scsidisk"

        aixloc = ""

        uniquetype = "disk/vscsi/vdisk"

        class = "disk"

        subclass = "vscsi"

        type = "vdisk"

        prefix = "hdisk"

        devid = ""

        base = "1"

        hasvpd = "0"

        detectable = "1"

        busext = "0"

        fru = "0"

        led = "9652"

        catalog = ""

        setno = "2"

        msgno = "0"

        driver = "scsidisk"

        define = "/etc/methods/define"

        configure = "/etc/methods/cfgscsidisk"

        change = "/etc/methods/chgdisk"

        unconfigure = "/etc/methods/ucfgdevice"

        undefine = "/etc/methods/undefine"

        start = ""

        stop = ""

        inventory = "0"

        pv = "no"

        pvid = "00f6050a2cd79ef80000000000000000"

        model_name = "VCS_DEFLT_DISK  "

        queue_depth = "3"

        max_transfer = "0x40000"

        cfgmgr_psafe = ""

        unique_id = "48333321360050768019183002800000000000F1304214503IBMfcp05VDASD03AIXvscsi"

        sn_location = "609F"

        reserve_policy = "no_reserve"

        PCM = "PCM/friend/vscsi"

        safe_relocate = "0"

        kext_errsave = "yes"

        message_no = "1"



# lsdevinfo | grep -p cluster0


        name = "cluster0"

        status = "1"

        chgstatus = "1"

        ddins = ""

        aixloc = ""

        uniquetype = "pseudo/node/cluster"

        class = "pseudo"

        subclass = "node"

        type = "cluster"

        prefix = "cluster"

        devid = ""

        base = "0"

        hasvpd = "0"

        detectable = "0"

        busext = "0"

        fru = "0"

        led = "8232"

        catalog = ""

        setno = "170"

        msgno = "1"

        driver = ""

        define = "/usr/lib/methods/define -n"

        configure = "/usr/lib/methods/cfgcluster"

        change = "/usr/lib/methods/chgcluster"

        unconfigure = "/usr/lib/methods/ucfgdevice"

        undefine = "/usr/lib/methods/undefine"

        start = ""

        stop = ""

        inventory = "0"

        clvdisk = "60050768-0191-8300-2800-000000000f15"

        node_uuid = "60510e58-be33-11e0-8387-66da93d16b18"


# lsdevinfo -c

name="sys0",status="1",chgstatus="1",ddins="planar_pal_chrp",aixloc="",uniquetype="sys/node/chrp",class="sys",subclass="node",type="chrp",prefix="sys",devid="chrp",base="1",hasvpd="0",detectable="0",busext="0",fru="1",led="2065",catalog="",setno="1",msgno="1",driver="planar_pal_chrp",define="/usr/lib/methods/define_rspc -n",configure="/usr/lib/methods/cfgsys_chrp",change="/usr/lib/methods/chggen",unconfigure="/usr/lib/methods/ucfgdevice",undefine="/usr/lib/methods/undefine",start="",stop="",inventory="0",syscons="/dev/vty0",sysconsp="",modelcode="0x0800004c",keylock="normal",maxbuf="20",maxmbuf="0",maxuproc="128",autorestart="true",iostat="false",realmem="6291456",conslogin="enable",fwversion="IBM,AM710_058",maxpout="8193",minpout="4096",fullcore="false",pre430core="false",ncargs="256",pre520tune="disable",max_logname="9",platform_desc="chrp",rtasversion="1",modelname="IBM,9179-MHB",systemid="IBM,02100488P",boottype="disk",dasd_spin_delay="5",SW_dist_intr="false",pci_full_cfg="1",cpuguard="enable",frequency="6400000000",capacity_inc="0.01",capped="false",dedicated="false",ent_capacity="0.50",min_capacity="0.10",max_capacity="0.50",variable_weight="128",cod_cust_info="",cod_mail="",cod_modelsys="",cod_proc="0",id_to_system="0X800000302B900000",id_to_partition="0X800000302B900043",ngroups_allowed="128",sed_config="select",nfs4_acl_compat="secure",enhanced_RBAC="true",log_pg_dealloc="true",ghostdev="0"



# lsdevinfo -q name="cluster0"


        name = "cluster0"

        status = "1"

        chgstatus = "1"

        ddins = ""

        aixloc = ""

        uniquetype = "pseudo/node/cluster"

        class = "pseudo"

        subclass = "node"

        type = "cluster"

        prefix = "cluster"

        devid = ""

        base = "0"

        hasvpd = "0"

        detectable = "0"

        busext = "0"

        fru = "0"

        led = "8232"

        catalog = ""

        setno = "170"

        msgno = "1"

        driver = ""

        define = "/usr/lib/methods/define -n"

        configure = "/usr/lib/methods/cfgcluster"

        change = "/usr/lib/methods/chgcluster"

        unconfigure = "/usr/lib/methods/ucfgdevice"

        undefine = "/usr/lib/methods/undefine"

        start = ""

        stop = ""

        inventory = "0"

        clvdisk = "60050768-0191-8300-2800-000000000f15"

        node_uuid = "60510e58-be33-11e0-8387-66da93d16b18"


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