Find out which port the daemon is using on AIX OS. (similar like command netstat -anp for Linux)

How to find which port TCP or UDP are being used by daemons on AIX OS.

For TCP protocol:

netstat -Aan |grep -E "\*.[0-9].+LISTEN" |awk  '{print $1, substr($5,3)}' |while read socket port
  echo "TCP Ports: " $port "--->" $(rmsock $socket tcpcb | grep held | awk -F'proccess|\\(|\\)' '{print "PID:", $2, "CMD:", $3}')

See an example:

(aix61):[root] /-> netstat -Aan |grep -E "\*.[0-9].+LISTEN" |awk  '{print $1, substr($5,3)}' |while read socket port
> do
>   echo "TCP Ports: " $port "--->" $(rmsock $socket tcpcb | grep held | awk -F'proccess|\\(|\\)' '{print "PID:", $2, "CMD:", $3}')
> done
TCP Ports:  22 ---> PID: 2883734 CMD: sshd
TCP Ports:  22 ---> PID: 2883734 CMD: sshd
TCP Ports:  23 ---> PID: 4194332 CMD: inetd
TCP Ports:  80 ---> PID: 4260016 CMD: httpd
TCP Ports:  111 ---> PID: CMD:
TCP Ports:  199 ---> PID: 6095056 CMD: snmpdv3ne
TCP Ports:  443 ---> PID: 4260016 CMD: httpd
TCP Ports:  513 ---> PID: 4194332 CMD: inetd
TCP Ports:  514 ---> PID: 4194332 CMD: inetd
TCP Ports:  515 ---> PID: 3735700 CMD: lpd
TCP Ports:  657 ---> PID: 3801282 CMD: rmcd
TCP Ports:  2049 ---> PID: CMD:
TCP Ports:  3901 ---> PID: 3145864 CMD: nimsh
TCP Ports:  5666 ---> PID: 4194332 CMD: inetd
TCP Ports:  6174 ---> PID: 15138912 CMD: clinfo
TCP Ports:  6181 ---> PID: 4194332 CMD: inetd
TCP Ports:  6191 ---> PID: 5046478 CMD: clcomd
TCP Ports:  32768 ---> PID: CMD:
TCP Ports:  32769 ---> PID: CMD:
TCP Ports:  32771 ---> PID: CMD:
TCP Ports:  32778 ---> PID: 6095056 CMD: snmpdv3ne
TCP Ports:  16191 ---> PID: 5046478 CMD: clcomd
TCP Ports:  42112 ---> PID: CMD:

For UDP protocol:

netstat -Aan |grep -E "udp.+\*.[0-9]" |awk  '{print $1, substr($5,3)}' |while read socket port
  echo "UDP Ports: " $port "--->" $(rmsock $socket inpcb | grep held | awk -F'proccess|\\(|\\)' '{print "PID:", $2, "CMD:", $3}')

See an example:

(aix61):[root] /->  netstat -Aan |grep -E "udp.+\*.[0-9]" |awk  '{print $1, substr($5,3)}' |while read socket port
> do
>   echo "UDP Ports: " $port "--->" $(rmsock $socket inpcb | grep held | awk -F'proccess|\\(|\\)' '{print "PID:", $2, "CMD:", $3}')
> done
UDP Ports:  111 ---> PID: CMD:
UDP Ports:  123 ---> PID: 2556010 CMD: xntpd
UDP Ports:  161 ---> PID: 6095056 CMD: snmpdv3ne
UDP Ports:  514 ---> PID: 4128792 CMD: syslogd
UDP Ports:  657 ---> PID: 3801282 CMD: rmcd
UDP Ports:  2049 ---> PID: CMD:
UDP Ports:  2279 ---> PID: 4194332 CMD: inetd
UDP Ports:  54358 ---> PID: 15138912 CMD: clinfo
UDP Ports:  54359 ---> PID: 15138912 CMD: clinfo
UDP Ports:  6179 ---> PID: 8192182 CMD: hagsd
UDP Ports:  32773 ---> PID: CMD:
UDP Ports:  32793 ---> PID: CMD:
UDP Ports:  32794 ---> PID: CMD:
UDP Ports:  32795 ---> PID: CMD:
UDP Ports:  32833 ---> PID: CMD:
UDP Ports:  32918 ---> PID: 4128792 CMD: syslogd
UDP Ports:  32934 ---> PID: 4128792 CMD: syslogd

Just thanks if the post was helpful

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